The major things you may need to be aware of are cords, breakables, and possible hazards that your furry friend may find. As your cat should be part of the family it's easy to think of them as kids, and to do so while you cat proof will be of help.
Cords are everywhere in our modern world. On all of the electronics which can cover the living room with the TV, DVD Player, Stereo, Lighting, etc... to the kitchen with the appliances, and then to the bedrooms and bathroom. You're best bet is to go through all of your rooms and hunt for cords. The reason cords are an important part of cat proofing is because some cats enjoy chewing on them, which unknown to them will create electric shock to your cat that can seriously injure and kill them. Not all cats have this habit but others may also enjoy playing with them and cutting up your cords to the point they no longer function their purpose. For the safety of your companion and the longevity of your electronics you may want to consider either covering your cords or simply keeping them out of reach.
We all have those breakable items we wish to keep nice and in one piece. Whether it's an antique passed down from the family, or a simple vase made of glass, you may need to keep it in a higher place or locked away. Cats love to rub up against anything they can, smell, investigate, and get up close and personal with everything...antiques included. An easy way to avoid this is to simply move it to somewhere your feline can't reach. This can be a slight challenge as cats are very flexible, jump able, and climb masters, so in a completely secluded area or a room your cat is not allowed can fool proof your valuables. One trick you can use is to whatever object to the cat and let them investigate it, by so doing they may be less interested in it than if never seen before. You can also add weight to an object by filling it with sand or rocks to stop it from tipping over when your cat rubs against it.
The hazards that your cat can run into is an endless list, but keeping things picked up is the best thing you can do for them. Like the bird they will also pick things up that are small and possibly harmful to them in hopes of it being something tasty. Especially keeping an eye on needles, small pointy objects, and anything else sharp or small enough to be eaten. Things that can chemically harm them is also a problem in some homes and keeping an eye on your cleaning supplies is crucial.